Meter Reads 200 Gallons of Water Uses in Two Hours
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After four,000 gallons of h2o were added to a big water tan [#permalink] 28 January 2014, 00:55
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The Official Guide For GMAT® Quantitative Review, 2nd Edition
After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tank that was already filled to iii/four of its capacity, the tank was and so at 4/5 of its capacity. How many gallons of water does the tank hold when filled to chapters?
(A) five,000
(B) six,200
(C) xx,000
(D) 40,000
(E) 80,000
Problem Solving
Question: 61
Category: Algebra Beginning-degree equations
Folio: 69
Difficulty: 600
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Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large h2o tan [#permalink] 28 January 2014, 00:55
Later 4,000 gallons of h2o were added to a big h2o tank that was already filled to three/iv of its capacity, the tank was then at four/5 of its capacity. How many gallons of water does the tank hold when filled to capacity?
(A) 5,000
(B) vi,200
(C) xx,000
(D) twoscore,000
(East) 80,000
4,000 gallons of water contain four/5 - 3/iv = 1/20, which makes the capacity of the tank equal to 4,000*20 = lxxx,000 gallons.
Answer: E.
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Re: Subsequently four,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 28 Jan 2014, 01:32
Initially the tank is 75% full.
and 4000 gallons are added. then the tank becomes four/5 or lxxx% full.
so 5% is 4000. So the 100% will be
= \(4000 *100/5= lxxx,000\).
Answer is E.
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Re: Later iv,000 gallons of water were added to a big water tan [#permalink] 28 January 2014, 02:26
We can prepare up the following equation for the info in the question:
3/4 of 10+4000=4/v of ten; where x is the chapters of the water tank.
Answer E
Nosotros can alternatively work this out using proportion: we know that the additional 4000 gallons account for four/v-3/4=ane/20 of the tank. Then if 4000 gallons business relationship for 1/twenty of the full tank, then 20/20 of the tank is 80,000.
Still Answer E.
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Re: Later on four,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 28 Jan 2014, 07:54
Bole So Nehal.. Sat Siri Akal.. Waheguru ji assist me to get 700+ score !
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Re: Later 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 28 Jan 2014, 11:12
10=tank capacity
4000/x = (four/5-3/4)/1
4000 = 1/twenty(x)
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Re: After four,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 28 Jan 2014, twenty:41
Let u.s.a. assume the full capacity of tank to be 10.
Since the tank was already filled to three/quaternary(or 75%) of its capacity and 4,000 gallons of water were added to bring information technology to 4/5 thursday(or 80%) of its capacity, we tin make the following inference:
5% of chapters(lxxx%-75%) = 4000;
(v/100) * x = four,000
x = fourscore,000;
Ans is (Eastward).
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Re: After iv,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 01 Feb 2014, 06:51
After four,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tank that was already filled to iii/four of its capacity, the tank was then at four/5 of its capacity. How many gallons of water does the tank concur when filled to capacity?
(A) v,000
(B) vi,200
(C) xx,000
(D) 40,000
(E) 80,000
4,000 gallons of water comprise 4/5 - 3/four = 1/20, which makes the capacity of the tank equal to 4,000*20 = 80,000 gallons.
Answer: E.
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Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 02 Feb 2014, 05:48
After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a big water tank that was already filled to iii/4 of its chapters, the tank was then at 4/5 of its capacity. How many gallons of water does the tank hold when filled to capacity?
(A) 5,000
(B) 6,200
(C) 20,000
(D) 40,000
(Eastward) lxxx,000
\(\frac{3}{4}\) of Tank = 75% of Tank
\(\frac{4}{5}\) of Tank = 80% of Tank
Given that, difference between fourscore% and 75% of Tank is 4000 gallons
Or, v% of Tank = 4000 gallons
Or, Full capacity of Tank \(= 20 * 4000 = 80000\) gallons of water
Answer: (E)
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Re: Subsequently 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 11 Jul 2014, 00:07
Let total chapters of tank = x
iii/quaternary of total capacity \(= \frac{3x}{4}\)
Addition of 4000 gallons \(= \frac{3x}{4} + 4000\)
Given that addition of water takes the level to iv/5th
\(\frac{3x}{4} + 4000 = \frac{4x}{v}\)
x = 4000 * twenty
= 80000
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Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 11 Jul 2014, 04:54
Let 10 be the chapters of tank
(four/5 - 3/4) x = 4000
(0.8-0.75)x = 4000
0.05 x = 4000
x = 4000 * xx = 80,000
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Re: Subsequently iv,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 29 Jul 2016, xi:00
Prissy Question
Here making an algebraic equation => [3/4] X +4000 = [4/five]Ten => Ten=80000
Smash Eastward
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Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 23 Sep 2018, 02:32
Solving for x, and getting x = 80K
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Re: Afterward 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] xix Oct 2018, 04:12
Allow the currently existing water be 10
Total chapters be y
\(\frac{10}{y} = \frac{3}{four}\)
\(\frac{ten+4000}{y} = \frac{four}{five}\)
\(\frac{x}{y} + \frac{4000}{y} = \frac{4}{5}\)
\(\frac{iii}{4} + \frac{4000}{y} = \frac{4}{5}\)
\(\frac{4000}{y} = \frac{1}{twenty}\)
y = 80,000
Answer choice E
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Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a large h2o tan [#permalink] 04 Oct 2021, 09:47
Tank is filled to 3/4 capacity, so i/4 is empty.
Subsequently adding 4000, Tank is filled to 4/5 capacity.
So T/4 > 4000 (Tank is still not filled to total chapters fifty-fifty after adding 4000)
we can decline atleast A, B using this logic
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Re: After iv,000 gallons of water were added to a large water tan [#permalink] 25 Oct 2021, 23:02
\(\frac{iii}{4}\) \(ten\) + 4000 = \(\frac{4}{five}\) \(x\)
\(\frac{4}{five}\) \(x\) - \(\frac{3}{four}\) \(x\) = 4000
\(\frac{one}{ xx}\) * \(x\) = 4000
\(10\) = \(4000 * twenty\) = \(fourscore,000\)
Re: After 4,000 gallons of water were added to a big water tan [#permalink]
25 Oct 2021, 23:02
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